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Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

A Jugnoo’s Kit

Helping Brainz enjoys every moment spent with our chotus, especially during Ujjwal, An event specially designed for bringing smiles among the underprivileged children which potentially consists of Paint Your Dreams painting competition, School Stationery Distribution drives, One Time Meal Distribution, Health Awareness Drives, Music and Dance for Charity, Tree Plantations and Prize Distributions.

AJugnoo’s Kit is a gift box which consists of a set of School Stationery Items

  1. Notebooks,
  2. Pencils,
  3. Sharpener,
  4. Eraser 
  5. Crayons
  6. Balanced Diet (Fruits, Juice, Cookies, Chocolates and a Snack)
  7. + some love.

1 kit costs Rs.100 only!

How can you gift a Jugnoo’s Gift:

There are two ways to do this :

1. You can assemble all the gifts as per the requirement list (and specification) and hand it over to us on the event date. Talk to our child empowerment leader for further details at 8921979187.

2. You can pay (online-/-during an event) Rs.100/- and we will sponsor a Jugnoo’s gift for a child under your name. We charge Rs.100/- child.

In both the cases, we will give you the name of the child whom we sponsored with your donation. An e-certificate and a receipt.


Gift a Jugnoo’s Kit and Spread Smiles. For further details please contact 8921979187 or email to help@helpingbrainz.org