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Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

Empowering Nithari Village!

Helping Brainz works for children, women,  old age, rural development,  international peace,  community development, health care and youth leadership programmes.

Helping Brainz would be helping Smt.Vimlesh Sharma Ma’am (Village-Head) in empowering the underdeveloped village of Nithari.

Helping Brainz had a brief meeting, question and answer session with the Village head of Nithari,  a visionary who’s only aim is to empower the village. In the first of the meeting she talked about the people,  the orthodox mentalities of the inhabitants, the need of infrastructure development and education.

Second half she spoke about the need of development and specific areas of development.

Helping Brainz tried analysing the situations and implementation areas, and we finalized the following,
We would be conducting,
– Rural Education Programmes-covered by our Child Empowerment cell and Rural Development cell,
– Rural Educational Counselling Programmes-covered by our Child Empowerment cell,
– Counselling for Children/ Women – Covered by the Women Cell at Helping Brainz
– Rural Recruitment Fair – Covered by Our Rural Development cell,
– Health Check up campaigns by our Health Care Awareness Team,
– Upgrading the educational status of the children and empowering the schools.

We’re going to pitch in on our duty from November 29th, 2014.
Interested folks please contact 9212840007 or mail us at help@helpingbrainz.org

Nithari is a village in the Noida, a tiny village in the outskirts of western Uttar Pradesh, India. Nithari in past was in news since it witnessed some unforgettable and unforgivable crimes against children and women.  Nithari is still living in the dark clouds and struggling hard to come out of the same.

For more images click on https://www.helpingbrainz.org/gallery/pyd-nithari/

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A Case of Domestic violence (Madanpur Khader)

A lady named ……… residing at sultanpur was forced to come up and speak out her heartbreaking experiences of domestic violence.

 She is a home maker with 55 years of age and a mother of four (3 boys and a girl child), out of which the second son is stricken by polio. Her eldest son Israar got remarried a while back after his first unsuccessful marriage. The mother complained that her daughter-in-law Rusida manipulated her son against his own family. She would often start quarrels and fights with the family members and in the fit she would hurt some family member or threaten to take her own life. In one of the instances, inorder to stop Rusida from hitting, the second son happened to hold her hand and she bit his hand to let herself free and started waving a knife at everyone and threatened to kill herself if they came any closer. She even went to the extent of striking her old mother-in-law in her stomach four times with her foot. Rusida manipulated Israar in moving away from the family and living separately. Any kind of financial assistance to his poor family was immediately stopped.

The only source of income left in the family is the polio stricken son, who tries to earn their daily bread by doing embroidery. The mother’s major concern is that in such financial crunch how she would be able to get her only daughter married off. If that wasn’t enough, the daughter-in- law threatens to take whatever property they own also, to which her family is very supportive of. The distressed mother who has been severely hurt physically, mentally and emotionally could never imagine in her worst of the nightmares that her own son would turn against the family for no fault of theirs at all. This mother does not want to risk whatever their family is left with.  Scared that her daughter-in-law being such a inhuman and irrational person, could go to any extent, the mother decided to disown her eldest son, before she could snatch away what is rightfully meant for other three children. This is a serious case of domestic violence along with coercion and extortion.

Surbhi Tyagi , a HelpingBrainz Team Leader from Meerut saves a girl child.

It was a Saturday evening, when Surabhi Tyagi, a HelpingBrainz VSU-Leader, was returning back from her Management College at Ghaziabad, in a Meerut bounded bus. As usual, she got her head-phones ready. It have been few minutes after the bus started, she noticed a brutal act by an adult towards a 6-six year old girl child, who was sitting just next to him. The adult was physically molesting the little girl – who was sleeping, though her mother was sitting back to her and she was unaware of this.

Surbhi immediately reacted to this situation and rescued the girl child and the mother and slammed the culprit. Surbhi gathered all the age old adults within the bus and asked them to take the bus to the police station. Though the culprit warned Surbhi of the repercussions she would be having, Surbhi without taking his baseless warnings  into account, acted bravely saving the girl child and spreading awareness about this brutal crime. The culprit was arrested by the Meerut Police.

The most astonishing part of the complete incident was that, no one other than Surbhi reacted and raised voice against this inhuman incident.

Incidents like this sprout every second in and around us, even after Dec16th, till Dec30th 100+ such incidents was reported, many of which even surfaced on the newspapers. It’s we who need to consider our pledge from the bottom of our heart  and raise our voice against such aphrodisiac human beings and appreciate the good work by noble and helping brains.

Team HelpingBrainz.In salutes Surbhi Tyagi for this brave act and patriotism.

By Yedhu Krishna Menon, Founder , HelpingBrainz.In

Crime Against Women: Courts Act Tough In 2013

News from SiliconIndia

With voices for checking sexual offences against women getting louder following the December 16, 2012 gangrape, special fast-track courts here came out with some strong decisions in 2013.

Widespread outrage sparked by the gangrape case prompted authorities to set up six fast-track courts at the outset of 2013 to exclusively deal with cases of sexual offences as rape, molestation, eve-teasing, voyeurism, stalking incidents rose manifold in the national capital.

An incident of voyeurism was also reported from the Delhi High Court where women advocates were filmed on a mobile phone in the ladies restroom.

This provided an impetus for fulfilling the demand for putting in place the guidelines laid down in 1997 by the apex court in Vishakha judgement in its precincts for dealing with complaints of sexual harassment at workplace.

Though there was consolation that few of the cases including December 16 gangrape-cum-murder reached its conclusion, there are others like, rape of a five-year-old girl here by two men, which are yet to be decided.

Acting tough, the court in this case invoked on its own the provisions of rape and unnatural offence against the duo facing trial for raping the child on April 15. They are also accused of inserting foreign objects in the minor’s body.

Safety of Women: India vs U.S.

An Extract from a News report!

As the repercussions of the gang rape and death of the Delhi girl, the country has sparked off a debate over the treatment of women. It is being questioned whether sexual abuse is worse in India or other countries too, reported Tom Wright for WSJ’s India Real Time.

Chief Justice of India (CJI) Altamas Kabir said “It’s good to know that after the Dec 16 tragic incident, people have started raising their voice on crime against women,” as reported by IANS.

However, Indians working to make the country safer for women say emphasizing that rape is also a concern in the U.S., Europe and other countries is irrelevant to their fight. Vrinda Grover, a Supreme Court lawyer who has worked for two decades on women’s issues said “It’s a bad analogy, it just means there’s equal cause for concern everywhere,” reported India Real Time.

India may not be alone in facing a rape problem. For instance a document from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime revealed that there were 1.8 incidents of reported rape in India per 100,000 people in 2010 compared to 27.3 in the U.S. But Indian activists say this kind of comparison would be misleading.

Sudha Sundararaman, general secretary of the All India Democratic Women’s Association, a nonprofit organization said very few rape cases get reported in India due to pressure from society to cover up abuses and the unwillingness of police to register cases. Sundararaman says approximately only about one in 10 rapes get recorded in the country. Thus, making India’s reporting rate much less than the results of surveys in the U.S.

Only 46 percent of U.S. rape cases get reported to the police as per the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, or RAINN, a U.S. nonprofit organization.

However, there are other reasons for the Indian numbers to be low. For example, Indian law doesn’t recognize rape committed within a marriage and it doesn’t allow for rape of men, etc.

The rape statistics of countries can also be compared by looking at conviction rates. As per India’s National Crime Records Bureau there were 24,206 reported rape cases in 2011. Further, of those that made it to court that year, 26 percent were convicted. While in the U.S., it is estimated that just over half of rape cases that are prosecuted each year leads to a conviction, a higher rate than India.

Indians are raged over the death of the 23-year-old student and hope the country will take actions to curb this crime and improve public safety for women.

Are the Shared-Auto’s Safe ??

An Extract from a News-Report

“When she flagged down a share auto-rickshaw, little did she know that she would be gagged, beaten, gang-raped, robbed and then dumped by three men near the busy Shipra Mall, an important landmark in Indirapuram.  The 19-year-old woman did not feel uncomfortable to get into a shared auto-rickshaw, as it’s a common practice in the area. The men who raped the woman later confessed to the police that had stolen the vehicle. NDTV quoted the woman saying that she cried for help for two hours but no one came forward to help her. The channel also says that the auto rickshaw passed through six police posts.

Two of the three men involved in the incident have been arrested. “All three are in their twenties,” Superintendent of Police Ghaziabad rural Jagdish Sharma said.The class 12 student, who was raped by three men, had fought hard to save herself from her assailants, police here said. Police claim the victim, who was on her way home after meeting a friend, was forced by two of the men – who posed as passengers – to sit between them. They gagged her once the vehicle developed some mechanical fault near Khoda colony, 2 km from the mall, and stopped. Fault taken care of, the three-wheeler sped towards Ghaziabad city. And once it reached Galand, the men dragged the woman out, beat her up when she resisted, and then took turns to rape her, a police officer told HT.

Around 10.30pm, the three men fled the spot, but only after they had robbed the victim of whatever cash she had on her person and her mobile phone. In her statement to the police, the girl mentioned that the rod on the window had broken; she also informed them that the vehicle had a black tarpaulin sheet that covered the windows and served as a curtain of sorts. The girl had earlier resisted a diversion in the route of the vehicle – while the men had initially told her they were headed towards Delhi, they later took a U-turn and drove in the opposite direction. When the girl questioned the change of direction in the vehicle, two of the men sat beside her and gagged her. After raping her in the vehicle, the men dragged the 19-year-old out into the fields near Bankey Bihari Dental College and again raped her, taking turns.  The vehicle’s owner, Prem Singh, said three men in an inebriated condition had taken the vehicle from its driver, Pintu, in broad daylight on March 2. The men had been driving to Delhi in the vehicle, and had stopped at Khoda for some repairs to the tempo. At around 8.30 p.m., they were near Shipra Mall. After committing the crime, the men left the girl in the fields and fled. They took with them Rs.400 that the girl had with her, her ATM card and mobile phone.

Is your Neighbour a Human Trafficker, No? I do have one!

Location: Meerut

Sex a divine terminology have been misused and have been used as a medium to showcase one’s own aphrodisiac satisfaction and a orifice for emotional endeavors, which we feel is one of the root-cause of one of the strongest epidemic of this country – “Forced Sexual Exploitation” or the phenomenon of RAPE. And in this context, women are seen as a medium to accomplish the so called one-time personal satisfaction, be it be a 2-year old girl child or a 60-year old grandmother, the sick leaves no one freely.

We use this opportunity to narrate a horrible case which got reported from Meerut, one of the dreaded-den for Women in Uttar Pradesh.

“It was a pleasant afternoon , that one of our Helping Brainz volunteer just came to the verandah of her classroom to take a small tea-break, where she heard 3 housekeeping ladies (all aged above 40 approximately) discussing a matter of Forced Sexual Exploitation. As a Helping Brain, she is trained to break the silence and interfere to help out people and alas she did the same.”

The rest of the story was narrated by one of the housekeeping staff & the story goes like , “My name is Anita (name changed) , I’m a mother of 4 , three girls and one boy. My eldest daughter is married and I reside with my husband along with my 2 kids (My youngest boy and daughter), and second daughter who is 14 years old, resides at my maternal home. I sent her to my maternal home since she is a victim of forced sexual exploitation , and the culprits are forcing her again, we being poor , struggling for one time bread are ignored by the society and Government when we raise a complaint against these wealthy zaminders , who bribe the Government and the society for their own needs. The culprits, being my own neighbours who used to force their own son on my girl child and black-mail her after committing the crime, not to utter a word. However , after some time my child broke infront of me and I being helpless sent my child to my maternal home, otherwise I could have lost her.”

Helping Brainz’s Voice : We request the society to change their mentality and consider the rich and poor as ONE! Don’t include cast, creed , colour , sex and religion for differentiations. This was a story by helpless mother who narrated her story to us when , we said that , we are also her children.
Request you all to raise a voice against such crimes and break your culture of silence.

An Incident reported by Radhika Gupta, moderated by Yedhu Krishna Menon