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Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

Community Development


The Evolution of CDI

In the autumns of 2013, Helping Brainz received a call from the Community Service Council of HCLT Foundations to help them in conducting a recruitment drive for the rural people of Madanpur Khadar slums of South East Delhi (on the banks of Yamuna, near to Kalindi Bridge), that was the start of the Rural and Youth Development programmes in Helping Brainz, we together with HCLT foundations recruited more than 200 youths and unemployed resources from Madanpur Khadar to 5 different security-companies of Delhi for the roles like Gardeners, House keeping staffs, Cafeteria-boys etc.

Helping Brainz tries to involve the government in case of Rural and Youth Development programmes.

Our Initiatives

  • Shiksha Pariksha Abhiyan   – Rural Educational Counselling Programmes
  • Helping Brainz-Jeevika        – Basic Life Support Training ( Community Health and Hygiene)
  • Poshaahar                             – Health and Nutrition Talks ( Community Health and Hygiene)
  • Monthly Kiosk                       – Desks Monthly Kiosk Centres for Documentation
  • Helping Brainz                       – Rakt Daan Blood Donation Camps ( Community Health and Hygiene)

Meet the Changemakers

Vikas Jain
Project Head
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Somnath Shukla
Project Head
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Aman Garg
Project Leader
If you wish to get associated, please write to us at help@helpingbrainz.org or call +91 9711189900 or <a href="https://wa.m/919711189900">click here to connect us on WhatsApp</a>