The Evolution of Child Empowerment at Helping Brainz

Helping Brainz aims in complete and continuous development of the society, thus after women empowerment geared up, we thought of also investing in the child empowerment programmes.

Child Empowerment Programmes were started in the month of Dec 2013 in Helping Brainz. The first event we conducted was Paint Your Dreams (PYD) – drawing competition (an event designed by Yedhu and name coined by Avy Johar) at 3 rural development schools of Noida and Madanpur Khadar(Delhi), India. Paint Your Dreams (PYD) was a drawing training class by Avy Johar plus a drawing competition for the underprivileged kids of Noida.

The change-making situation

In our first event at Noida and Madanpur Khadar, we witnessed the enormous energy in the children, which they showcased through their drawings and zeal for the knowledge, which made us design and re-programme the concept of Paint Your Dreams. Paint Your Dreams, today is a 1 hour painting competition where we ask the children to paint their dreams. Majority of them gape without any clue when we ask them the same, we take this opportunity to paint their dreams, by asking them to dream (Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s concept), and thereby we help them in connecting the dots to reach their dream.

Paint Your Dreams (PYD) : Paint Your Dreams (PYD) now Ujjwal  is a 1 hour painting competition wherein we donate free colours to children and ask them to paint their dreams. The paintings are then analyzed by specialists to harness the thought processes of the children and best ones are even awarded with attractive prizes. Whenever we land in a rural area, we conduct PYD for the children, that’s a best practice in Helping Brainz. The schools or orphanages are finalized by a series of audits conducted by Helping Brainz, post which we create a case study to propagate. The needy is only helped in Helping Brainz.

Evolution of Ujjwal : What we are today!

Helping Brainz Child Empowerment

After conducting Paint Your Dreams (PYD)  for 1 year, we thought of reprogramming the concept.

According to the new concept, what we call “Ujjwal”, we conduct  :-

  • Paint Your Dreams
  • Donation of school stationary
  • Free Health Check Up camp for the children
  • One-day-meal programme for the children
  • A session on cleanliness drive
  • Music for Charity

Followed by  ‘Teach with Helping Brainz’ programme after 21 days of event conduction.

Our Initiatives

  • Ujjwal – A Day with Chotus
  • Educational Counselling Sessions
  • Child Health Awareness and Safety Drives
  • TeachWithHelpingBrainz Programme
  • Art of Giving

Teach with Helping Brainz Programme

After we conduct Ujjwal, we run a “Teach with Helping Brainz” programme on every Saturday/4 months by “Teachers of Helping Brainz” followed by 2 months special training programme, by  International Interns, this curriculum continues for 4 seasons accounting to 24 months of continuous training programme. Teachers with Helping Brainz, who are mainly corporate professionals mainly involve in teaching specified subjects to children for 1 hour every Saturday wherein International Interns train the same kids on certain arts or on physical education (sports).


The Child Empowerment Programme management team conducts continuous evaluation of children and the teachers after every 1 month of teaching. We believe in continual improvement programmes.

Success stories with our Chotus

( for a snapshot of events conducted visit completed event’s page and details of child empowerment projects )

Around 10000+ children

from 10 different schools

from 8 different cities

from 2 different countries 

-painted their dreams through us.


The Constitution of India (26 January 1950), through various articles enshrined in the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy, lays down that:

§  No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment (Article 24);

§  The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age six to 14 years. (Article 21 (A));

§  The State shall direct its policy towards securing that the health and strength of workers, men and women and the tender age of children are not abused and that they are not forced by economic necessity to enter vocations unsuited to their age and strength (Article 39-e);

§  Children shall be given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth shall be protected against moral and material abandonment (Article 39-f);

§  The State shall endeavour to provide within a period of 10 years from the commencement of the Constitution for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 years (Article 45).

Source : ILO

Meet our Child Empowerment Leaders

Sandeep Kumar
Project Manager - Women and Child Empowerment Projects

Sandy is a Software Engineer who is more passionate about community service, teaching and child empowerment. He presently leads the Child Empowerment Projects.

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Harshit Gupta
Project Manager - Women and Child Empowerment Projects

Harshit is a Cyber Security Analyst with an American MNC, in Noida. Harshit joined us as a student volunteer, now passionately leads the Child Empowerment Projects.