Home » Event Reports » Chaaya – Ek Nai Disha, Ek Nai Pechchan – at EFRAH Madanpur Khadar JJ Colony


Helping Brainz cyber security and cyber crime awareness team shall be conducting awareness sessions in 6 Indian and 1 International Language. Helping Brainz has formed a 22 member to support this mission.

Chaaya – Ek Nai Disha, Ek Nai Pechchan – at EFRAH Madanpur Khadar JJ Colony

“VanitaJyoti – A Session on Women Empowerment at EFRAH Madanpur Khadar JJ Colony”

HelpingBrainz.Org on Saturday, October 17th in association with #HCLT Foundations conducted “VanitaJyoti” [Women Empowerment Session] for the underpriviledged women from the slums of Madanpur Khadar JJ Colony, located in the South Eastern part of Delhi on the banks of river Yamuna, at #EFRAH’s Community Center.

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This drive mainly aimed in cultivating women entrepreneurs and changemakers from the rural areas of Madanpur Khadar. The engineers behind this would be conducted sessions on
women entrepreneurship and education programmes
self-development programmes
support career exploration for girls programmes
socio-business consulting programmes
economic empowerment of women ideas
economic self-sufficiency programmes
Idea-to-Passion programmes (I2P)
take your daughters to school
capacity building and preparation of client for business development
how can a homemaker become an entrepreneur

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The ladies who orchestrated the event were:-

Shubhangi Srivastava, the Women Empowerment Leader from HelpingBrainz.Org started the event with few motivational sessions on women empowerment thereby connecting the audience with HelpingBrainz.Org’s Women Empowerment Campaigns.


Shubhangi, a second year Criminology and Forensics Science student from Amity University, mainly stressed on teaching the women ‘the art of fishing’.

Jayanthi Iyengar from Eternal Energy, also an advisory panel member at HelpingBrainz.Org, conducted an experience sharing congress which mainly aimed in revolutionizing and empowering women with her experiences.

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– Dr. Nidhi Garg, a young and energetic dentist from Delhi conducted a session ‘Oral hygiene and how to improve the dental health’.

What next?

HelpingBrainz.Org has shortlisted women, who will be trained in Diya Making, Candle Making and Driving Ping Cabs, wherein in the subsequent weeks teams lead by Shubhangi Srivastava, Athulya Rajan, Neeraj Kumar Shukla and Pratik Bishen will be training the women on various cycles of product development, customer service, Basic English communications and marketing.

Also present were Sanjeev Verma (Volunteer,HelpingBrainz.Org), Manjeet Grewall ( Team Leader,HelpingBrainz.Org Kurukshetra ), Kousar Parveen, Nikhil Cliford , Suvra (EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar) and YedhuKrishna Menon ( Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org ).

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