Home » Event Reports » Child Empowerment by Helping Brainz Bihar Team


Helping Brainz cyber security and cyber crime awareness team shall be conducting awareness sessions in 6 Indian and 1 International Language. Helping Brainz has formed a 22 member to support this mission.

Child Empowerment by Helping Brainz Bihar Team

Bihar, the 13th largest state in India is historically renowned state with powerful cultural heritage, educational importance, has the 6th oldest Engineering college in India, and many more, however the present day situations, the havoc created by politics and corruption, non-compliance towards the legal system have shattered the image however there are human beings who want to walk on the path of Development.


Helping Brainz in Siwan, Patna conducted a day long event for the underprivileged children from Chowki – Hassan, Siwan – Bihar 10th March 2015. Children are from financially weak backgrounds, wherein we found that they don’t have access to the basic amenities, school infrastructure, study materials, which the kids are supposed to have. A Kumar Madhuraj led event consisted of School Stationery donations, Paint Your Dreams Competition and Prize distributions. Kumar Madhuraj Solely sponsored all the donations.


Kumar Madhuraj works as the Project Leader in the CCRID Initiatives ( Corporate Community Rural and Institutional Development Initiatives)


Helping Brainz would be conducting educational and child empowerment sessions in Bihar.
