Connecting the needy | A Team of Changemakers | President of India appreciated No-to profit organization (NGO)| Inspired by ISO 26000
Helping Brainz Delhi will be celebrating Mother’s Day 2019 with the mother’s and sister’s of Jeevodaya Ashralaya, Vikas Puri, New Delhi.
Music and dance, donations, one time meal and lots of fun – all in agenda.
Interested folks can connect with Abin Sharma at 8178650027
India - A home's prospective. Showcased at Wrocław, Poland by Helping Brainz
For Helping Brainz in Romania
285, LIG Flats,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi
Email :
Phone : 8921979187
Skype : menonyk
Time to connect : Saturday and Sunday (10:00 AM to 9:00 PM)
WhatsApp : click here to connect