Connecting the needy | A Team of Changemakers | President of India appreciated No-to profit organization (NGO)| Inspired by ISO 26000
“To care for those who once cared is the highest honor”
On 31st December, 2017 from 1:00 PM Team HelpingBrainz’s Elderly Care Projects Team will be conducting an Old Age Visit, which shall include:
(A) Donation of Grocery Items
(B) Music shows
(C) Lunch
(D) Stretching of wrinkles and sharing lots of love at Sahara Old Age Home, Fatehpurberi, Chattarpur.
“Once they taught us how to love, how to trust, how to care, how to walk, how to march ahead, how to be strong, the list is endless.
Now lets show them the spark still lits within us, not fizzed off and lets cherish the moment that they need and lets keep it alive for them”
Those interested to volunteer and donate can connect with Sandeep Kumar and Meenakshi Paswan (Elderly Care Projects Team, Helping Brainz) at +9187553 35992 / +918587814201 or +919711189900
Let’s together make souls happy for sometime
India - A home's prospective. Showcased at Wrocław, Poland by Helping Brainz
For Helping Brainz in Romania
285, LIG Flats,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi
Email :
Phone : 8921979187
Skype : menonyk
Time to connect : Saturday and Sunday (10:00 AM to 9:00 PM)
WhatsApp : click here to connect