Connecting the needy | A Team of Changemakers | President of India appreciated No-to profit organization (NGO)| Inspired by ISO 26000
Helping Brainz’s Child Empowerment Team in their process of creating and empowering the underprivileged kids women, would be conducting an educational counselling at Shri Gurukul, Sector-41, Noida. The audience will mainly consist of underpriviledged children from Noida and nearby areas.
HelpingBrainz.Org have been continuously wo…rking for the upliftment of the rural population in Noida for the past 2 years.
Topics covered :
What after 10th/12th
What/when to be opted
Different career options
Exploration of employment opportunities
Importance of Education and Employment National Integration
Motivation towards Elementary education
We are expecting students from few neighbouring schools to attend the event as well. Those who are interested to speak about few career opportunities are cordially invited to this event!
Event’s will be orchestrated by Nancy Nikhil Jain , Child Empowerment Leader – HelpingBrainz.Org and Counselling Session will be conducted by Somnath Shukla ( Project Head, Rural Educational Counselling Team – HelpingBrainz.Org )
Nearest metro station : Noida Sector 18 Metro Station
India - A home's prospective. Showcased at Wrocław, Poland by Helping Brainz
For Helping Brainz in Romania
285, LIG Flats,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi
Email :
Phone : 8921979187
Skype : menonyk
Time to connect : Saturday and Sunday (10:00 AM to 9:00 PM)
WhatsApp : click here to connect