Connecting the needy | A Team of Changemakers | President of India appreciated No-to profit organization (NGO)| Inspired by ISO 26000
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein
The phenomenon of Independence in India and even in many independent nations, who were in captivity, was driven by the hardwork and directions formulated by experience of some great teachers. Every leader who fought for Indian Independence had great teachers who directed his student towards liberating India from colonialism. As Swami Vivekananda said, “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul”, great leaders of Indian Independence were phenomenally influenced by the principles of the their great teachers.
5th day of September is celebrated as Teacher’s day by Indians. Helping Brainz will be celebrating teacher’s day with the Great Teachers of Sai Sahara Old Age Home. We’ve around 15 grandmas and grandpas in this Old Age which is not being supported by the state government yet. Sweets, Food, Music, Happiness, Prayers, Giving Back to the Community are in our agenda presently.
Interested folks can connect with Jyoti Suchye ( Project Leader, Elderly Care Projects )
Route map
India - A home's prospective. Showcased at Wrocław, Poland by Helping Brainz
For Helping Brainz in Romania
285, LIG Flats,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi
Email :
Phone : 8921979187
Skype : menonyk
Time to connect : Saturday and Sunday (10:00 AM to 9:00 PM)
WhatsApp : click here to connect