Connecting the needy | A Team of Changemakers | President of India appreciated No-to profit organization (NGO)| Inspired by ISO 26000
Helping Brainz have been effectively working for tge upliftment of the underprivileged communities from Meerut for the past three years.
This year Helping Brainz will be conducting *Ujjwal- a day with Chotus* for the 400+ underprivileged children from Partapur Meerut on November 12, Saturday 2016.
The programmes associated will be :
– Paint Your Dreams
– School Stationery Distribution
– Music for Charity
– One Team Meal Distribution
– Tree Plantations
– Educational Counselling sessions for Children and Parents
– Prize Distributions
*We cordially invite you for this event.*
Interested folks (Volunteers, Contributors, Sponsors) can contact Utsav Anand (9212840007), *Organizing Committee President – Ujjwal Partapur 2016* for further details.
Note :
(A) People who are interested to donate A Jugnoo’s Kit ( a set of school stationery and one day meal @Rs100), can contact us at 9212840007.
(B) For those who are from Delhi NCR – who wish to volunteer for this event , we are arranging transportation (@Rs400/head), which definitely includes your tea, snacks and lunch. Cabs will start at 7:30 am from Akshardham Metro Station and drop back at Akshardham by 5:30 pm. If interested please WhatsApp your name to 97111 89900.
Please send your nominations before *5th November*
Thank you. Have a nice day ahead.
India - A home's prospective. Showcased at Wrocław, Poland by Helping Brainz
For Helping Brainz in Romania
285, LIG Flats,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi
Email :
Phone : 8921979187
Skype : menonyk
Time to connect : Saturday and Sunday (10:00 AM to 9:00 PM)
WhatsApp : click here to connect