Helping Brainz is a team of people from various walks of life united together under one umbrella for self and community development. Work force who run Helping Brainz mainly consists of students, teachers, home-makers and working professionals, who utilize their skill set for nation and community development programmes on a weekend.
Helping Brainz Team-mates dedicate their weekends for community development, if you believe in rising by lifting others join the league of change-makers at Helping Brainz as :-
- A Project Leader or a ChangeMaker : To become a project leader or a core team-member you need to register yourself as a core-member. Once you register yourself as a project leader you become a part of the core team. You would be assigned projects associated to a cause or organizational development. After one year successful working, a Project Leader is promoted as a Project Manager, then as a Project Head. To register yourself as a project leader, Click here.
If you wish to get associated, please connect with or call +91 9711189900
- A Volunteer : If you can’t devote a weekend, however just wish to be a part of our programmes/campaigns, then you can nominate yourself as a volunteer. A Volunteer at HelpingBrainz.Org is never awarded with any responsibilities. To join us as a volunteer, Click here.
If you wish to get associated, please connect with or call +91 9711189900
- An Intern : If you are student ( students here mean, students who have passed their secondary school certificate can only apply for this role), and wish to devote your leisure time, vacation or internship period for a noble cause, you are at the right place. To register yourself as an intern, Click here.
If you wish to get associated, please connect with or call +91 9711189900
- An Organizational Partner : If you are part of an organization ( Corporate, NGO, Community Service Council, Corporate Social Responsibility Council, Society, Trust ,Youth Organization, Manufacturer or Wholesaler however not a political organization and wish to get associated with HelpingBrainz.Org, then kindly ), Click here.
If you wish to get associated, please connect with or call +91 9711189900
- A Teacher : Utilize your weekends to empower underpriviledged students. You can enroll yourself as a Teacher with TeachWithHelpingBrainz programme to teach the underpriviledged kids. To register yourself as a Teacher, Click here.
If you wish to get associated, please connect with or call +91 9711189900
Just use your capability to help the needy, and see miracles happening!