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Its time to bring a change….

By a  Sonam Gupta ,Pune

Are the women in India safe????…

This ques is now hanging in every mind.But why we always act after something happens ??. That’s another ques which goes unanswerable.But as it is said “der aye durusat aye”, so what is now taking the form of revolution, it is the responsibility of each of us to be a part of it. Its time for taking serious consideration regarding the safety of women.Onone hand government is taking initiative (which as we know will take its time..;) on the other hand it is not only the responsibility of women to be aware of the certain things like :

  1. What to do if you have been misbehaved.
  2. What if someone around you have been/is being assaulted.
  3. The common help line numbers especially for women.

but also it is the responsibility of a man to behave like a human and bring up a change in mentality because only by improving laws a change cannot be brought.For a change to occur, the thinking of the society as whole must change.