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International Peace

Helping Brainz

The Evolution of International Cultural Congress for Peace Building Projects

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” – Sir Albert Einstein

When the world is fighting each other to prove their domain power, thereby ending peace and popularizing negativity everywhere, we Helping Brainz are bravely offending such powers to spread positivity. As a mission one we started with International Cultural Congress for Peace, wherein messengers of peace from  different countries volunteer for a noble mission of spreading peace through experience sharing congress, musical presentations on culture, traditions, videos, sports, tourism, habitat etc.

We intended to provide the public in India that, everyone under the sun is one, the differences are just human-created. We concentrate mainly on the rural Indians ( as per Dr APJ Abdul Kalam are the heart of development ) and as well as the students of the country, the next generation messengers of nation-development.

The Evolution

‘One day while I was working as an AIESEC-Intern (year 2009) in Ivory Coast for Groupe ESIG, Radha Ramachandran (AIESEC Intern in AFCO, Cote D’Ivoire) and I received a call from Junior Chamber International (JCI) Cote D’Ivoire to represent India in their Cultural Congress. This was an attempt to increase to the socio-economic relationships between the two countries’. – Yedhukrishna Menon, Founder Helping Brainz

Years later, when Helping Brainz got connected with AIESEC in Delhi University, we discussed about conducting  an international cultural congress in the city-schools of Delhi with Pallab Doley and Nishant Godara (the then VPs of AIESEC Delhi University) with the help of the interns in AIESEC in Delhi University.

Change Making Situation (Success stories) – ICC4Peace

In the month of Nov’2014 with the help of the AIESEC interns from China, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Romania, plus with the coordination from AIESEC in Delhi University we conducted International Cultural Congress 4 Peace in two different International Schools based in Noida.

An International Cultural Congress 4 Peace  aims in International Peace. Volunteers from different countries talks about their countries, their culture, cuisines, education and beliefs giving the young Indian audience a greater picture about different nations round the globe. Through this process we mainly aim in increasing International bonding, Peace, Brotherly hood  and International  Relationships and Understandings in the grass-root levels.

Our Initiatives

  • Peace Programmes in the selected 12 different Schools of Delhi NCR (schools within a radius of 200KMs from Delhi) on Saturdays thereby connecting with at-least 20 world nations.

Meet the Changemakers

If you wish to get associated, please write to us at help@helpingbrainz.org or call +91 9711189900 or WhatsApp