Home » Public Health and Hygiene Programmes


Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

Public Health and Hygiene Programmes

India is a developing country suffering from the dual burden of malnutrition – underweight and overweight. As citizens of India , it becomes our duty to do our small bit and spread awareness on how to eat healthy , know the locally available sources of vitamins and minerals , help the local understand how to cook the ingredients using correct cooking practices to preserve nutrients. Furthermore, the world is hit by the Corona Virus which took away millions of lives. Spreading awareness on how to keep a strong immunity amidst the virus becomes our responsibility as well.

Events conducted:

  • Health Information Literacy Drives
  • Community Health and Hygiene Programs
  • National Nutrition Week Celebrations

For further details, please write to us at help@helpingbrainz.org