By being a part of the “Colours-Team” – You can make a difference!
We are a group of like minded individuals working together for some noble cause, we started as a Facebook page and now we’re doing miracles.
- By filling the below form you become a core team-member, a Helping Brain
- You will be baptized as a responsible changemaker, once you enroll yourself as a core team-maker
- Being a Helping Brainz Project Leader, you need to spare at-least 2 weekends/month for a cause
- Given that we work only on weekends (either Saturday or Sunday)
- You might be asked :-
- to get associated with a cause you like to work
- to conduct/lead events and campaigns
- to lead a team of volunteers for a specific project
- to give presentations, to facilitate meetings with the government officials/ and other spearheads of partnered organizations
- to conduct research and analysis (which may also include market and operational research, gap analysis and SWOT analysis)
- Else if you are good in blogging, photo-journalism, team-management, organizational development, you can also enroll yourself as a core-member
- And if you think you won’t be able to devote time as a leader, think join us as a Volunteer ( A Volunteer just volunteers in an event, A Volunteer never takes-up a responsibility ); to know about the difference between a Core Team Member and a Volunteer – click here !
- To be a core part of the team, or a changemaker, please complete the registration process.
- For any question(s), please connect with