Home » Reports by Helping Brains » Surbhi Tyagi , a HelpingBrainz Team Leader from Meerut saves a girl child.


Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

Surbhi Tyagi , a HelpingBrainz Team Leader from Meerut saves a girl child.

It was a Saturday evening, when Surabhi Tyagi, a HelpingBrainz VSU-Leader, was returning back from her Management College at Ghaziabad, in a Meerut bounded bus. As usual, she got her head-phones ready. It have been few minutes after the bus started, she noticed a brutal act by an adult towards a 6-six year old girl child, who was sitting just next to him. The adult was physically molesting the little girl – who was sleeping, though her mother was sitting back to her and she was unaware of this.

Surbhi immediately reacted to this situation and rescued the girl child and the mother and slammed the culprit. Surbhi gathered all the age old adults within the bus and asked them to take the bus to the police station. Though the culprit warned Surbhi of the repercussions she would be having, Surbhi without taking his baseless warnings  into account, acted bravely saving the girl child and spreading awareness about this brutal crime. The culprit was arrested by the Meerut Police.

The most astonishing part of the complete incident was that, no one other than Surbhi reacted and raised voice against this inhuman incident.

Incidents like this sprout every second in and around us, even after Dec16th, till Dec30th 100+ such incidents was reported, many of which even surfaced on the newspapers. It’s we who need to consider our pledge from the bottom of our heart  and raise our voice against such aphrodisiac human beings and appreciate the good work by noble and helping brains.

Team HelpingBrainz.In salutes Surbhi Tyagi for this brave act and patriotism.

By Yedhu Krishna Menon, Founder , HelpingBrainz.In