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Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

Anti-Tobacco Campaign – Madanpur Khadar

HelpingBrainz.Org’s Community Health Awareness Team (‪#‎CHAT‬) in association with HCLT Foundations conducted an anti-tobacco campaign at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar. In our earlier events, we have come across lot many mothers complaining about their children getting addicted to drugs/and tobacco eating. In this juncture, HelpingBrainz.Org’s Community Health Awareness Team led by Dr.Vasundhara Aggarwal orchestrated a community health campaign concentrating mainly on ‘problems caused after chewing tobacco”. Around 30+ people from various parts of Madanpur Khadar participated in the 60 mins talk show.


Dr. Nidhi Garg (Dentist, Vikas Puri – New Delhi), Dr. Ieshita Misra (Dentist, Dilshad Garden – New Delhi) along with DrVasundhara Aggarwal led the talk – shows, presentations and videos mainly concentrating on making the crowd aware about the ‘diseases, harmful effects caused by chewing tobacco). Abhinav Vikash (Project Coordinator, HCLT Foundations), YedhuKrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org) and Volunteers from HCLT Foundations added colours to the event.


This was HelpingBrainz.Org’s ‪#‎63rd‬ community development event. HelpingBrainz.Org’s Community Health Awareness Team in association with HCLT Foundations will be conducting a series of such campaigns in the underpriviledged sections of Delhi NCR. To be a part of the team, please logon to HelpingBrainz.Org/GI

