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#DelhiTurkmanGate – LockdownDonations
Team Helping Brainz donated groceries to a 8-membered family from Kali Masjid Area, Turkman Gate. These families were starving for the past few days and were in need of groceries.
Helping Brainz Lockdown Support team appreciates Pratik Bishen and Sneha Harsh for their coordination. Complete food kits were donated and we wished the families – Happy Eid. #Respect
Old Age Home from Delhi Supports Kerala Floods
From the day our team started working for Kerala Flood Victims there have been numerous stories to inspire many of our young Helping Brainz mates. The story of Sai Sahara Old Age Home, Rajendra Place, Delhi was one among them.
The day we decided to send materials to Kerala, we shared socialmedia broadcasts and news about the same to all our friends, colleagues, connected-corporates and organizational partners. It was then Dr.Rajeshwari, the founder of Sai Sahara Old Age Home called us and agreed to donate 50KGs of Rice, Sugar and Pulses to the Victims. These were the donations the 17 grandmas and grandpas received for their livelihood however they had the opinion that “let the needy get these items, they are in need of these items more than us”.
Helping Brainz ElderlyCare Projects Team is working with Sai Sahara Old Age Home for the past few years. We humbly salute Dr.Rajeshwari Ma’am and all grandmas and grandpas for their divine love towards humanity.
Helping Brainz turns 5!
We’re 5 years old.. Nostalgia, the long five years. Pains, struggles, fights, happiness, achievements and what not : however today we stand as a respectful brand in the society. People trusts us. We showed the public that community service stands more than what we call philanthropy, showing empathy and sympathy and giving donations. Thanks to everyone who stood, is standing and will stand with us. We all believe and trust each other and this positivity makes outreaches happy and that makes us *Helping Brainz*
Today also being my dad’s birthday, I wish to say one line he told me when he came to know about Helping Brainz (after two years of start), *we rise by lifting others*.
Thank you
Yedhu Krishna Menon, HelpingBrainz
Anti-Tobacco Campaign – Madanpur Khadar
HelpingBrainz.Org’s Community Health Awareness Team (#CHAT) in association with HCLT Foundations conducted an anti-tobacco campaign at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar. In our earlier events, we have come across lot many mothers complaining about their children getting addicted to drugs/and tobacco eating. In this juncture, HelpingBrainz.Org’s Community Health Awareness Team led by Dr.Vasundhara Aggarwal orchestrated a community health campaign concentrating mainly on ‘problems caused after chewing tobacco”. Around 30+ people from various parts of Madanpur Khadar participated in the 60 mins talk show.
Dr. Nidhi Garg (Dentist, Vikas Puri – New Delhi), Dr. Ieshita Misra (Dentist, Dilshad Garden – New Delhi) along with DrVasundhara Aggarwal led the talk – shows, presentations and videos mainly concentrating on making the crowd aware about the ‘diseases, harmful effects caused by chewing tobacco). Abhinav Vikash (Project Coordinator, HCLT Foundations), YedhuKrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org) and Volunteers from HCLT Foundations added colours to the event.
This was HelpingBrainz.Org’s #63rd community development event. HelpingBrainz.Org’s Community Health Awareness Team in association with HCLT Foundations will be conducting a series of such campaigns in the underpriviledged sections of Delhi NCR. To be a part of the team, please logon to HelpingBrainz.Org/GI
A day with the destitute, the abandoned and the age old
Today, as we unfolded one more chapter of our precious life; we understood that we / as well as our so called problems are nothing infront of those who live in silence between the concrete walls of Jivodaya Ashralaya (or Jeevodaya Ashralaya). They had a life, which was torn into bits by someone/ or some phenomenon, and in the process of the collating back the bits, they lost their race. Today they are abandoned, and they too live happily by crying, screaming, talking and dreaming about their undefined lives with the Godly nuns (Sisters) of the Jivodaya Ashralaya. Though their smiles which appeared in gloomy faces, after seeing us, made our eyes wet; we stood stubborn infront of the undefined truth of the life.
HelpingBrainz.Org’s Elderly Care Team, along with few like-minded individuals facilitated a visit to Jivodaya Ashralaya, a home for the destitute and the abandoned; which is located in Shiv Vihar, Vikas Nagar, New Delhi on 9th of January – 2016. The Visit was orchestrated by Jyoti Suchye (Project Leader, HelpingBrainz.Org’s Elderly Care Team) wherein the people who donated were: Dayal Singh (Lunch), Bikram Chatterji (Lunch), Shabbir Hussain (Lunch), Neeraj Gaur (Bedsheets and Sweaters) and Geeta Walia (Sweaters). The Lunch was prepared by Shri. Ramachandran Sir and his team from Sree Dharmasastha Sewa Samithi, Hastsal.
Jivodaya Ashralaya presently houses around 68 abandoned ladies at their destitute and the abandoned home located around 20mins away from Uttam Nagar East Metro Station.
The people who volunteered for the event were: Manishree Gupta, Geeta Walia, Shabbir Hussain, Nikhil Jain, Dr.Nidhi Garg, Dalip Kumar, Praveen and Hitesh. From HelpingBrainz.Org we had Pratik Bishen (Public Relations Team, HelpingBrainz.Org), Gitanshu Khurana (Community Development Leader, HelpingBrainz.Org), Athulya Rajan (Women Empowerment Leader, HelpingBrainz.Org), Nancy Jain (Child Empowerment Leader, HelpingBrainz.Org) and Yedhukrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org).
HelpingBrainz.Org humbly thank everyone who made a difference today.
For all pics please click here
10 Ways to Take Charge of Your Heart Health
Use the following tips – 10 Ways to Take Charge of Your Heart Health – to embark on a heart-healthy lifestyle to fight heart disease.
- Schedule a Yearly Checkup : Your heart is in your hands. Each year on your birthday, schedule a checkup to have your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels checked, and ask your doctor to help you reach or maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to follow your healthcare professional’s recommendations, including taking prescribed medications as directed.
- Get Physical : Step, march or jog in place for at least 15 minutes a day while watching your favorite TV shows. Increase your activity by five minutes each week until you’re getting a minimum of 30 minutes most days of the week. If exercise and diet do not get you to your goal, ask your doctor about adding medication.
- Drink More Water : Take a water bottle with you wherever you go. It’ll keep you hydrated and the bottle’s weight will strengthen your arms.
- Eat Healthy : Keep packages of unhealthy food hidden. Put raw veggies and fruits in front in the refrigerator and healthy snacks in the front of the pantry, so that’s what you see first. If you grab healthy foods for a minimum of 21 times, healthy choices will become a habit.
- Control Cholesterol : Eating foods high in saturated fat, trans fat or cholesterol can lead to high blood cholesterol. To help keep your cholesterol levels down, eat foods low in saturated fat and trans fat, such as lean chicken or turkey (roasted or baked, with skin removed), fruits and veggies, low-fat or fat-free dairy products and whole grains.
- Cut Down on Salt : To help lower high blood pressure, watch your salt intake. It may be disguised in food labels as sodium alginate, sodium sulfite, sodium caseinate, disodium phosphate, sodium benzoate, sodium hydroxide, monosodium glutamate (MSG), or sodium citrate.
- Quit Smoking
Try this four-step way to kick your habit:
- On Day 1, cut the number of cigarettes you smoke by half
- On Day 3, cut the number of cigarettes you smoke in half again
- And on Day 5, cut your smoking in half again
- On your Quit Day… quit!
- Maintain a Healthy Weight : Excess weight increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. To achieve steady, painless weight loss, take it easy. Each day, if you eat 200-300 calories less than you would normally consume, and exercise at least 30 minutes on most or all days of the week, you’ll get closer to your goal and be able to achieve weight loss that’s steady and painless.
- Stay Positive : If you get off your exercise schedule, have a cigarette, or eat a fattening meal, immediately get back on track toward re-establishing a healthy lifestyle.
- Give Yourself Credit : To maintain momentum with exercising, losing weight, or quitting smoking, keep track of your achievements and reward yourself by doing something you enjoy.