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Tag Archives: Women Empowerment
#114 VanitaJyoti Kochi 2019, A workshop on Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment.
As part of Helping Brainz’s Kerala rebuilding mission, we conducted our 3rd workshop at Madhavan Nair Foundation, Edapally, Kochi where around 26+ flood affected women from the Glass Colony and nearby areas were trained on Soap and Detergent making by Lakshmi Sreenath, founder, Herbal Sutras.
Kerala witnessed one of the worst natural calamity, where as many as 845,000 people were sheltered at 3,700 camps wherein people in some areas were trapped in their homes without food, water and electricity for good number of days. State suffered a loss of 195.12 billion rupees ($2.8 billion), according to a Twitter post by Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
The event was sponsored by Dr.Suchitra Ramanandam from Kochi, Kerala, facilitated by Lakshmi Sreenath from Herbal Sutras and coordinated by Helping Brainz.
Sindhu Shibu from Helping Brainz Kerala Team volunteered for the successful happening of the event.
Inauguration and induction programs – Women Empowerment Cell at Dharampura Najafgarh.
As part of our strong efforts to empower the women from the rural areas of Dharampura Najafgarh, HelpingBrainz in association with India Aids Foundation inaugurated the Women Empowerment Campaigns. The campaign was inaugurated by 8 ladies from 8 walks of life spreading and sharing their experience to the women encouraging and motivating to break their culture of silence and to become the change they want to see. Women who made a difference were Vinita Vasu (A renowned artist based in Delhi), Archana Srivastava (Founder, India AIDs and Anurag Foundation), Kirti Tikyani (Project Manager, Women Empowerment Campaigns at HelpingBrainz), Shipra Mathur (Women Empowerment Leader, HelpingBrainz), Monica Ghosh (Special Educator and a Senior Volunteer with HelpingBrainz), Shivasni Bhat (Peace Leader with HelpingBrainz), Riya Singh (SPOC, HelpingBrainz’s Women Empowerment Cell at Dharampura Najafgarh) and a mighty granny who is our power in Dharampura. Also present were the Pradhan of Dharampura, Madhup Modi (Projects Head Women and Child Empowerment Team) and Yedhu Krishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz).
Event started with the lamp lighting ceremony at Women Empowerment Cell, Dharampura followed by talks by the leaders on various life changing experiences and information sharing sessions on various projects and training sessions.
The classroom training sessions will start from 28-Oct-2017. People who are interested for teaching and training sessions, please contact Madhup.modi@helpingbrainz.org
Helping Brainz turns 5!
We’re 5 years old.. Nostalgia, the long five years. Pains, struggles, fights, happiness, achievements and what not : however today we stand as a respectful brand in the society. People trusts us. We showed the public that community service stands more than what we call philanthropy, showing empathy and sympathy and giving donations. Thanks to everyone who stood, is standing and will stand with us. We all believe and trust each other and this positivity makes outreaches happy and that makes us *Helping Brainz*
Today also being my dad’s birthday, I wish to say one line he told me when he came to know about Helping Brainz (after two years of start), *we rise by lifting others*.
Thank you
Yedhu Krishna Menon, HelpingBrainz
Shiksha Pariksha Abhiyaan – EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar
HelpingBrainz.Org’s Educational Counselling Team in their process of creating and empowering underpriviledged children, would be conducting an educational counselling at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar. Helping Brainz conducted this event in association with HCLT Foundations, Noida.
The audience will mainly consist of 40+ underpriviledged women from Madanpur Khadar and nearby areas.
Event was lead by Somnath Shukla (Project Head, Educational Counselling – HelpingBrainz.Org), also present was Jyoti Suchye (Project Manager, Elderly Care Projects, HelpingBrainz.Org).
“The International Women’s Day Celebrations – 2016”
“I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard…we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.” ―Malala Yousafzai
The theme for IWD-2016 is “Pledge for Parity”. HelpingBrainz.Org’s Women Empowerment Team in association with IWPG (International Women’s Peace Group) “Pledged for Parity” at NVS Public School, Sector 53 Gijhore, Noida.
HelpingBrainz.Org’s Women Empowerment Team doesn’t just only celebrate women empowerment, and honour them on March 8th every year, however it’s year-long phenomenon, a continuous process; wherein we encourage people to begin the phenomenon of respecting women “from their homes”. The Women Empowerment Team in HelpingBrainz.Org led by Shubhangi Srivastava , Athulya Rajan , Athulya Chandra and Neeraj Shukla , spends their Saturdays in designing and executing projects related to Women education, Women empowerment, Health Care Camps, Legal Aid Camps and Entrepreneurships.
Painting Competition with “Women Empowerment as the theme”, Pledge-for-Parity, Congratulatory speech-thanking the womanhood, Guest lectures, Experience Sharing Congresses, Music shows were some of the key programmes orchestrated at 3 hours programme by the team led by Shubhangi Srivastava (Project Manager, Women Empowerment Team). 100+ children participated enthusiastically in the event, and Professionals and Teachers who participated in the experience sharing congress at the school where Manish Kumar (Principal, NVS Public School, Noida) Dr.(Prof). Manoranjan Mohanty (Distinguished Professor), Dr. Bidyut Mohanty (Head of Department, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Women’s Studies, Delhi), Suman Silwal from Samsara The World Academy, Vandana Sharma (Academic Programme Officer) from Amity University, , Chandreshwari Minhas (Assistant Professor) from Amity Law School, Hemalatha Jaganathan (Principal) from Navyug School – Moti Bagh, Swati Sahni and Rama Ranganathan (both teachers) from Navyug School – Moti Bagh, Neeru Tiwari (Teacher) from Jaypee School and Umair Yunus, Sumit Singh and Rishabh (students) from Amity University.
Others who helped in facilitating the events were Giyoung Kim and Janine Lee, Delegates from IWPG, South Korea; Soumya Srivastava, Shivam Mathur, Rishabh Rastogi, Pranay Jain, Shivangi Singh, Saurabh, Gaurav Gupta from KNMIET, Modinagar.
From HelpingBrainz.Org we had, Shubhangi Srivastava (Project Manager, HelpingBrainz.Org), Gitanshu Khurana (Social Media Manager, HelpingBrainz.Org), Ragini Singh (Project Leader, HelpingBrainz.Org), Vikas Jain (Education Counsellor, HelpingBrainz.Org), Pratik Raj Bishen (Public Relations Manager, HelpingBrainz.Org), Vivek Vaid (Social Development Consultant, HelpingBrainz.Org), Gagan Walia (Internet Researcher, HelpingBrainz.Org), Sanjeev Verma (Volunteer, HelpingBrainz.Org) and YedhuKrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org).
“Women are leaders everywhere you look—from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.” —Nancy Pelosi
(For more images click here)
ChaipCharcha – Aghapur Village
Rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development. But limited access to credit, health care and education are among the many challenges they face, which are further aggravated by the global food and economic crises and climate change. Empowering them is key not only to the well-being of individuals, families and rural communities, but also to overall economic productivity, given women’s large presence in the agricultural workforce worldwide” – United Nations
In a major move towards the empowerment of the underpriviledged women, HelpingBrainz.Org’s women empowerment team “Chaaya” conducted a “Chaipecharcha” with the underpriviledged women of Aghapur Village in Noida. Around 10 women participated in the event which was spearheaded by Shubhangi Srivastava, the women empowerment leader (Project Manager, Chaaya) at HelpingBrainz.Org. She mainly pitched in various aspects of women empowerment, women education, entrepreneurship opportunities, ‘need for out of box thinking’ and women safety in today’s world.
The meeting was conducted in the H-Block park of Sector-41, Noida. The women here are more interested to study and to get educated, thus, Shubhangi and team will be designing teaching programmes and a team of corporate professionals will be teaching the women on weekends. The programme is supposed to start from the first Sunday of April 2016.
Others who made a change where Soumya Srivastava (Volunteer from Dr. KN Modi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Modinagar) and Pratik Raj Bishen ( Manager, Social Business Development – HelpingBrainz.Org)
Women Health Check-Up Camp – Madanpur Khadar
Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health. – #DalaiLama
“When will the doctors come again, since it was a relief to express them our problems, since even don’t have a good hospital in Madanpur Khadar” mentioned Lalita who is a home maker from the slums of Madanpur Khadar, whose husband works as a daily wage worker at the construction sites near Madanpur Khadar.
When Helping Brainz first landed in the slums of Madanpur Khadar, there were more than 10 social organizations which claims to have penetrated in the hearts of underpriviledged living there for the past 30 years, however the same area doesn’t have a government school, hospital/or a dispensary however got lot many NGOs who have given good publicity to their social work through the photographs they have taken at Madanpur Khadar, however to be very honest we haven’t seen any development there. We at Helping Brainz never claim that we are an NGO, however a group of friends who do community service, as it is a passion for more than 450+ volunteers which makes us Helping Brainz. We have conducted several child empowerment activities, educational counselings, women empowerment drives at Madanpur Khadar in the past 3 years to create atleast an iota amount of difference in the people.
For India to be still an underdeveloped nation, even after 60+ years of Independence, we feel women empowerment is still a common cause for this stagnancy. Where she’s safe, even people don’t bare a 4 year old. Is she ever taught on how to safeguard herself, are the culprit punished, no never. It’s a joke now. A girl in our country is educated for the sake of marriage, though this statement would create turmoils in many stomachs, this is an underlined fact. That being said, do we ever care about her ‘health’, since whenever we talk about the same, people say, “Oh, she can take care of herself, why should we bother all these”.
Oh! C’mon, she is a human being, she needs to be taken care. Empowerment starts when you have good health. If you good health, we’ll definitely have good thought process, which advances the pro-activeness, out of box thinking, end of the day this definitely helps in ‘empowerment’.
HelpingBrainz.Org’s Women Empowerment Team conducted a health check-up camp at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar. Around 54 underpriviledged women from the nearby areas participated in the Health Check Up campaign orchestrated by Helping Brainz at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar in collaboration with HCLT Foundations. This is for the first Helping Brainz is landing in an area to conduct a health checkup camp without the help of a 3rd party organization, wherein we in past conducted drives with the help of hospitals like Indo-Gulf Hospital, BL Kapoor Hospital, Apollo BHB Hospital etc.
Doctors who dedicated their Saturdays with HelpingBrainz.Org where Dr.Sanjay Deb (Energy healing, Identification of imbalance of chakra and balancing aligning them), Dr. Nidhi Garg and Dr. Ieshita Mishra (led the dental check-up camps).
From HelpingBrainz.Org we had Shubhangi Srivastava, who led the entire event (Project Manager, Chayya- The Women Empowerment Campaign, HelpingBrainz.Org), Pratik Pratik Raj Bishen (Manager, Public Relations Team, HelpingBrainz.Org), Kumar Madhurajj (Community Development Team, HelpingBrainz.Org), Sharad Goel (Volunteer, HelpingBrainz.Org) and YedhuKrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org)
A Session on Customer Service Management for Underprivileged Women
Helping Brainz conducted a session on “customer service and marketing management” for the underpriviledged women of Madanpur Khadar. The events were led by Pratik Bishen, the social business development manager in Helping Brainz, where he focused mainly on :-
- creating an insight on effective customer service and marketing management;
- identify ways to establish links between excellence in customer service and business practices and policies;
- develop the skills and practices that are essential elements in customer service management
- best practices for effective communication.
The 2 hour event was held at EFRAH’s center at Madanpur Khadar. The event was co-facilitated by Abhinav Vikash from HCLT Foundations. The presenter (Pratik Bishen), though being in his final year bachelors of business administration, got good experience in customer service management and training the freshers for the same.
Helping Brainz has been working readily for the empowerment of the rural and underpriviledged women of Madanpur Khadar slums for the past 2 years. When it comes to women empowerment team’s led by Shubhangi Srivastava, Athulya Rajan and Neeraj Shukla mainly focuses on conducting
- ‘Chaipecharchas – a day with full of informal discussions’,
- ‘VanitaSaksharta – event based on Women Education, Counselling, Training Programmes (Classroom Teaching Programmes on weekends)
- ‘VanitaJyoti’ – Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Programmes
- ‘VanitaSuraksha’ – Women Safety Campaigns
- ‘SahyogSanhita’ – Legal Aid Camps
- Experience Sharing Congresses
- Monthly Medical Camps – Chikitsa-Shivirs
Though the trio, doesn’t have any academic experience in social working for the women, they’ve been the best in empowering the women from the underpriviledged sections of the society.
Ujjwal – Sorkha Village
“Empowerment of and investment in girls are key in breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of their human rights. When we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everybody else”
An educated girl is a change maker: An educated girl will:
1. Stay healthy
2. Save Money
3. Build a business
4. Empower her community.
5. Lift her country: Change the World!
HelpingBrainz.Org in association with an AryaSamaj Ashram based in Noida Sector 115 conducted Ujjwal for 80 underpriviledged girls who stay at the AryaSamaj Ashram. The underpriviledged girls mainly belong to Nepal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. The girls, who are aged between 4 to 18, are provided with primary and elementary education at the AryaSamaj Ashram.
As usual, HelpingBrainz.Org conducted Ujjwal which included, Paint Your Dreams programme, School Stationary Donations, Meal Donations and Motivational Talks.
School Stationaries for the 80+ kids were donated by Akash Goyal and friends from Ameriprise Financials, Gurgaon. Carpets were donated by Piyush Tyagi and friends from Pacific Global, Noida.
Post event, HelpingBrainz.Org would be conducting computer education, motivational and career counselling sessions for the girls.
Neha Agarwal, Aachal, Sanjeev Verma, Piyush Tyagi, Akash Goyal and Urvashi Arora volunteered for the event.
From HelpingBrainz.Org, the event was designed and orchestrated by Shubhangi Srivastava and Athulya Rajan ( Both Women Empowerment Leaders at HelpingBrainz.Org), followed by Rupak Kashyap (Vice President, International Peace Programmes), Suchaya Chaiworn (Intern –HelpingBrainz.Org) Kumar Madhuraj ( Project Leader – Community Development, HelpingBrainz.Org), Pratik Raj Bishen ( Project Leader – Women Safety and Empowerment Campaigns, HelpingBrainz.Org), Gagan Walia ( Project Leader – Environmental Awareness and Upgradation Programmes ),Jyoti Suchye ( Project Leader – Elderly Care Programmes) and YedhuKrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org)
We sincerely thank Dr.Renu Verma for this opportunity, and respect the social worker in her.
Rural Educational counselling – Nithari April’15
An educated man can #makeadifference.
To bridge two inhabited lands, we need a capable architect, however we need a coterie of educated human beings to traverse a country from darkness to enlightenment.
With a mission to enlighten this country, by empowering the rural population, HelpingBrainz launched the Rural Educational Counselling, a programme aimed to cater knowledge about various courses, employment opportunities, short time courses, certification programmes, government’s educational establishments. Around 20 smart ladies ages between 15 to 60 attended the programme held at the panchayat bhawan, Nithari. Nithari gram pradhan Shri Vimlesh Sharma inaugurated the event.
From Helping Brainz we had our smart kids on field, Kumar Madhuraj – the helping brain who managed the event, Shubhangi Srivastava, the youngest among us however a born change maker, and the one and all Somi Shukla, the man behind the event and YedhuKrishna Menon
Next Sunday afternoon we would have the second part of the event.