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Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

Women Health Check-Up Camp – Madanpur Khadar

Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health. – #DalaiLama

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“When will the doctors come again, since it was a relief to express them our problems, since even don’t have a good hospital in Madanpur Khadar” mentioned Lalita who is a home maker from the slums of Madanpur Khadar, whose husband works as a daily wage worker at the construction sites near Madanpur Khadar.
When Helping Brainz first landed in the slums of Madanpur Khadar, there were more than 10 social organizations which claims to have penetrated in the hearts of underpriviledged living there for the past 30 years, however the same area doesn’t have a government school, hospital/or a dispensary however got lot many NGOs who have given good publicity to their social work through the photographs they have taken at Madanpur Khadar, however to be very honest we haven’t seen any development there. We at Helping Brainz never claim that we are an NGO, however a group of friends who do community service, as it is a passion for more than 450+ volunteers which makes us Helping Brainz. We have conducted several child empowerment activities, educational counselings, women empowerment drives at Madanpur Khadar in the past 3 years to create atleast an iota amount of difference in the people.

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For India to be still an underdeveloped nation, even after 60+ years of Independence, we feel women empowerment is still a common cause for this stagnancy. Where she’s safe, even people don’t bare a 4 year old. Is she ever taught on how to safeguard herself, are the culprit punished, no never. It’s a joke now. A girl in our country is educated for the sake of marriage, though this statement would create turmoils in many stomachs, this is an underlined fact. That being said, do we ever care about her ‘health’, since whenever we talk about the same, people say, “Oh, she can take care of herself, why should we bother all these”.

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Oh! C’mon, she is a human being, she needs to be taken care. Empowerment starts when you have good health. If you good health, we’ll definitely have good thought process, which advances the pro-activeness, out of box thinking, end of the day this definitely helps in ‘empowerment’.

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HelpingBrainz.Org’s Women Empowerment Team conducted a health check-up camp at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar. Around 54 underpriviledged women from the nearby areas participated in the Health Check Up campaign orchestrated by Helping Brainz at EFRAH, Madanpur Khadar in collaboration with HCLT Foundations. This is for the first Helping Brainz is landing in an area to conduct a health checkup camp without the help of a 3rd party organization, wherein we in past conducted drives with the help of hospitals like Indo-Gulf Hospital, BL Kapoor Hospital, Apollo BHB Hospital etc.

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Doctors who dedicated their Saturdays with HelpingBrainz.Org where Dr.Sanjay Deb (Energy healing, Identification of imbalance of chakra and balancing aligning them), Dr. Nidhi Garg and Dr. Ieshita Mishra (led the dental check-up camps).

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From HelpingBrainz.Org we had Shubhangi Srivastava, who led the entire event (Project Manager, Chayya- The Women Empowerment Campaign, HelpingBrainz.Org), Pratik Pratik Raj Bishen (Manager, Public Relations Team, HelpingBrainz.Org), Kumar Madhurajj (Community Development Team, HelpingBrainz.Org), Sharad Goel (Volunteer, HelpingBrainz.Org) and YedhuKrishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz.Org)