Home » Event Reports » ​Inauguration and induction programs – Women Empowerment Cell at Dharampura Najafgarh.


Helping Brainz plans to support 3000 underprivileged children from Dharni, Amravati, Maharashtra. Helping Brainz shall be supporting these children with school stationeries and learning materials.

​Inauguration and induction programs – Women Empowerment Cell at Dharampura Najafgarh.


As part of our strong efforts to empower the women from the rural areas of Dharampura Najafgarh, HelpingBrainz in association with India Aids Foundation inaugurated the Women Empowerment Campaigns. The campaign was inaugurated by 8 ladies from 8 walks of life spreading and sharing their experience to the women encouraging and motivating to break their culture of silence and to become the change they want to see. Women who made a difference were Vinita Vasu (A renowned artist based in Delhi), Archana Srivastava (Founder, India AIDs and Anurag Foundation), Kirti Tikyani (Project Manager, Women Empowerment Campaigns at HelpingBrainz), Shipra Mathur (Women Empowerment Leader, HelpingBrainz), Monica Ghosh (Special Educator and a Senior Volunteer with HelpingBrainz), Shivasni Bhat (Peace Leader with HelpingBrainz), Riya Singh (SPOC, HelpingBrainz’s Women Empowerment Cell at Dharampura Najafgarh) and a mighty granny who is our power in Dharampura. Also present were the Pradhan of Dharampura, Madhup Modi (Projects Head Women and Child Empowerment Team) and Yedhu Krishna Menon (Founder, HelpingBrainz).


Event started with the lamp lighting ceremony at Women Empowerment Cell, Dharampura followed by talks by the leaders on various life changing experiences and information sharing sessions on various projects and training sessions.

The classroom training sessions will start from 28-Oct-2017. People who are interested for teaching and training sessions, please contact Madhup.modi@helpingbrainz.org
